Saturday, August 7, 2010

Fridays class

After we got spoilt with this two hour class on Wednesdays and sometimes 2.5 hours on Saturdays - one hour class on Friday seems so short. Still we managed to go through ai-hanmi ikkyo omote, then shomen-uchi ikkyo omote and then this funny technique somewhere between ikkyo and shiho-nage.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

On Friday 13th August, in Mateusz's absence, we tried imitating what he teaches us. Not easy but we tried. Oh, we had a new student, Tom, who said he had previously studied aikido in the USA? It was fun seeing how different his aikido was from ours.
So, first off we reviewed mae-ukemi and ushiro-ukemi, with the more confident students trying these in tachi-waza.

Then we revisited ai-hanmi-ikkyo-omote and ai-hanmi-nikkyo-omote. We wanted to remember sankkyo, but we got lost somewhere in the steps so we gave up and stopped at that. Of course the one hour was over anyway since it is always too short a time.

We agreed again to meet next Friday.