Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tuesday, November 25, 2014 session at the JICC conference room

Kawakami Sensei was present and in "full regalia" sporting a dogi and black belt.

We began with the "Japanese style" warm up before embarking on the day's "menu" which included the following:

We were grouped into twos and Sensei read out some attacks/techniques from the Birankai curriculum for us to execute. It was a sort of "mock grading" as Sensei wanted to gauge our various levels.

Some of the attacks/techniques we were tested on include the following:

-Katatedori Uchi Kaiten Nage.

-Shomen Uchi Ikkyo Omote and Ura.

-Katatedori Kote Gaeshi.

-Ushiro Ryo Katadori Shiho Nage.

-Ryotedori Shiho Nage Omote.

-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Kote Gaeshi.

Kitayama Sensei then proceeded to revise the attacks/techniques mentioned above with various various as well as others mentioned below:

-Yokomen Uchi Shiho Nage Omote.

-Tsuki Shiho Nage Omote and Ura.

-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Shiho Nage omote and Ura.

-Katadori Ikkyo Omote,Shiho Nage (various versions),Yonkyo Omote and Kote Gaeshi respectively.

-Hanmi Handachi Shiho Nage Omote and Ura.


-MASAYUKI Kawakami


-OSORO Douglas

-LALA Mohseen


-MUTHII Joshua

-BOKEA Joseph

-NYANG'OR Vincent




Kindly note that next Tuesday (December 2) and Thursday (December 4),there will be no Aikido sessions as the JICC conference room will be used to conduct Japanese elections.

On that same note, kindly note that beginning Tuesday, December 16, 2014 and ending on Thursday, January 8, 2015 the Japan embassy will be closed for the annual Christmas/New year break.

The last Aikido session for this year will be on Thursday, December 11, 2014 and the sessions will resume on Tuesday, January 13, 2015.


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