Friday, June 4, 2010

Class on Friday, May 4th

Today we focused on ushiro-ukemi. We tried to use it with shomen-uchi kiri-otoshi, then with gyaku-hamni ryote-dori tenchinage. It was a very inspiring and interesting class. We had also many new students ;-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ouch, my neck hurts a bit. I think its from Ushiro-ukemi. Since my rolling is all wrong, I think I strained some neck muscles, but am ok. The pain is a reminder that I should perfect my ushiro-ukemi. In addition, tenchinage was a cool technique. The tricky bit for me was balancing the movements of both hands. Since it combines two techniques in one, I was not quite able to execute it well. In time, I hope to do better.