Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday class

Yesterday we had our first class outside protective umbrella of Japanese Embassy. Due to venue limitation at the Embassy we had to pursue a search of other places we can practice Aikido. Yesterday we had 2 hour class at Goan Gym Khana at Nairobi Museum Hill.

We dwelled for quite a while on different aspects of gyaku-hamni shihonage. Initially just ura version, later we also tried omote.

We also had rokkyo, also known as hiji-kime-osae.

Hopefully it will be possible to have classes at new venue on permanent basis.


Aguta said...

quite enlightening, actually enjoyed aikido on the hard surface ;-)

Aguta said...

We could have gone on and on and on and...

november said...

me too. glad you feel the same ;-)