sensei Kawakami Started off the Class with Calisthenics and then techniques.
Ikkyo Undo- wrist exercise
Nikkyo Undo- wrist exercise
Sankyo Undo- wrist exercise
Kotegaeshi Undo- wrist exercise
Shikko- walking on knees
Ukemi- forward (Mae) & backward (Ushiro) rolling/ falling
Basic stretching, horse stance and side lunges.
SHIHO NAGE- Four directional Throw
1.Kata dori shihonage omote- 1st teaching four directional throw, in front of Uke.
2.Kata dori shihonage -2nd tech using head going outside under uke's arm as nage, to ground.
3.Katate dori shihonage omote- 1st teaching four directional throw from gyaku hanmi.
4.Katate dori shihonage ura- 2nd teaching four directional throw from gyaku hanmi, behind uke.
5.Ushirokata dori shihonage omote- shoulder grab from behind four directional throw 1st teaching.
6.Ushirokata dori shihonage 2nd- grab from behind four directional throw under uke with head.
7.Hanmi handachi kata dori- nage in seiza and uke standing shoulder grab.
8.Hanmi handachi katate dori- nage in seiza and uke standing same side wrist grab four directional throw.
NIKKYO- 2nd Pinning technique
1.Katate dori Nikkyo omote- 2nd pinning technique 1st version, front of uke.
2.Katare dori Nikkyo ura- 2nd pinning technique 2nd version, behind uke.
YONKYO- 4th Pinning technique
1.Katate dori yonkyo- same side wrist grab 4th pinning technique.
2.Kata dori yonkyo- same side shoulder grab 4th pinning technique.
Applications in JIYU WAZA
Kawakami Sensei later on performed Jiyuwaza from sitting position. His Uke was Ben.
-Shihonage omote and Ura- four directional throw
-Kotegaeshi -wrist throw
-Sankyo 3rd pin & nage waza.
-Uchi Kaiten nage
-Ryote dori versions of kotegaeshi, shihonage, kokyunage.
Continue coming on the mat and improve your Aikido.
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