Great thanks again to Kawakami Sensei's Study and reminder of the need to establish good understanding in basics especially 'Tai sabaki'( Hand/Body position) and 'Ashi Sabaki'( foot position movement)in doing all the Kinonagare ( fluid form when techniques are done in motion). Thanks also to his constant reminder that in study, Aikidokas have to demonstrate honesty in commitment by performing the full attack as in Uke and Executing the full technique as in Nage.
For the Thursday 18th class i enjoyed the whole session a lot especially interchanging roles amongst the juniors and seniors. I would say performing Kokyu ho in variations with Toshi san was enjoyable and challenging when trying to get around his energy center.
Some Challenging Versions of Kaiten nage (rotary throw) Kawakami Sensei did are as follows:
- Katate dori Uchi Kaiten nage,( Going under Uke's armpit)
- Katate dori Soto Kaiten nage,( from outside Uke's holding hand, while sliding out)
- Ushiro ryote dori Kaiten nage,( wrist grasp from behind)
- tai no tenkan uchi Kaiten nage,( leading uke then tenkan going under Uke's armpit to perform throw)
Lets continue showing up for study and improve our techniques by helping one another with gladness,'Onegai-Shimasu' the Aikido way.
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