Thursday, November 19, 2015

Thursday, November 19, 2015 session at the JICC Conference Room

Kawakami Sensei took us through the paces and we began with warm up exercises, Ikkyo Undo and the like then followed by Mae and Ushiro Ukemi from Tachi Waza.

Bearing in mind come next year if all goes well, most of us will be grading and Kawakami Sensei held a 'mock grading' whereby all those interested in grading for Gokyu were examined.

Apart from the 'mock grading' exercise, the following are the attacks/techniques we went through:

-Katatedori Shiho Nage Omote and Ura respectively.

-Katatedori Ikkyo Omote and Ura.

-Shomen Uchi Ikkyo Omote and Ura, Irimi Nage and Kote Gaeshi respectively.

-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Irimi Nage and Kote Gaeshi respectively.

-Kata dori Ikkyo Omote and Ura respectively.

-Hanmi Handachi waza Shiho Nage Omote and Ura.

Toshiyuki San informed me that he got confirmation of the Aikido Sensei coming next year. One of them is 7th dan Kanazawa Takeshi Shihan and the other one is 3rd dan Tokuda Masaya Sensei.

They might be accompanied by one other Sensei but that is yet to be confirmed.

Below is a video of Kanazawa Shihan during the 52nd All Japan Aikido Demonstration last year.


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