Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Goan Gym, 2月2日(水)

We tried our hand at a number of techniques, beginning with gyaku-hanmi sankyo omote. If you ever get a chance to try this on a flexible lady (am being very formal here, no puns), you experience a whole new set of problems. Its difficult to know exactly how to apply this with some ladies. Of course its much much easier when uke is a stiff partner. Very effective. I watched this Steven Seagal movie (Deadly Crossing) over the weekend and I was so amazed to see him use sankyo on some guy.

Next we reviewed gyaku-hanmi nikyo, followed by rokkyo.

As we have been doing in the last couple of sessions, at the end we are required to remember all these techniques and apply them at our own discretion. This is a nice twist in that it helps one remember the techniques better. For me the hesitation you get when uke attacks is quite puzzling. This is a critical moment because in normal situations uke will not be so nice as to give you time to imagine what you would like to do to them. So, this is what I am working on.

We also had a jo session where we again went through the basics.

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