Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Monday, November 14, 2011 session at the Goan Gymkhana

Yup that's right! Albert was back this time with a brand new gi and I was looking forward to 'welcoming' his new gi to the dust of the hardwood surface.

Daniel Sempai took over the first hour as is customary and it all began with warm up exercises followed by Ushiro Ukemi combined with Shikko as one advanced forward.
What followed was:
-Shiho Nage in both Ai Hanmi and Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori stances as well as from the Kata Dori stance.
-Yokomenuchi Shihonage.

I must admit Kata Dori Shiho Nage was quite a task for me especially where it involved proper timing when entering with one's head.

The second hour totally belonged to Sensei and the techniques were as follows:
-Ryote Dori Kokyu Nage(Omote and Ura).
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Kokyu Ho.
-Ryokata Dori Kokyu Nage.
-Ai hanmi Katate dori Irimi Nage(Omote and Ura).
-Kokyu Ho Kokyu Dosa which Sensei used to explain the concept behind Ryote Dori kokyu Nage.

Camera lights were flashing from every corner courtesy of Alison and at one point I felt as if we were in the presence of 'paparazzi'.

Great two hours of Aikido capped up by 'Orenai te' which made me understand why total relaxation when executing Aikido techniques makes a very big difference.....

1 comment:

daniel said...

Click for some more aikido terms/principles.