Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sat. 25 Feb 2012: Japanese Cultural Event

It was 3:30pm and the sun felt like 12 midday, but that didn't dampen or is it barbecue the Aikido spirit in us :)
The following techniques were covered:

  • Gyaku hanmi kokyu nage
  • Ai hanmi kotegaeshi
  • Aihanmi shihonage
  • Aihanmi irimi nage-ura and omote
  • Yokomen uchi ikyo ura
  • Gyakuhanmi ikyo ura in suwari waza
  • Shomenuchi the followed by a combination of shihonage, kotegaeshi and sankyo
  • Lastly Uchi kaitenage both the choke and ukemi versions.
A saturday afternoon well spent I must say, A few pics were taken;

Monday, February 27, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana

Having had a few showers overnight I thought I would escape drenching in sweat but it was not the case...however it was a lovely two hour session especially since we were only five of us and thus Kakari geiko was the order of the two hour session.

-Ai Hanmi Katatedori:Ikkyo(Omote and Ura)and Nikyo(Ura)respectively.

-Chudan tsuki:Kata Gatame,Nikyo(Ura)and a variation of an arm lock respectively.

-Shome Uchi Sumi Otoshi.

-Ryote dori Kokyu Nage(two versions).

-Ryo Katadori Kokyu Nage(Omote and Ura).

-Chudan Tsuki Irimi Nage(Ura).

-Morote dori Kokyu Nage(with one then two Uke;N.B.Only Sensei could effectively undertake the latter technique).

-A variation of Kokyu Nage where Tori 'cuts' through Uke's centre sending him spiralling on the 'tatami'.

It was an action packed Monday session and Sensei asked us to come with a Tanto for Wednesday's session only hoping I can get one before tomorrow......


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Aikido demonstration on 25 February, 2012 during the Japan Culture Week

Despite the scorching sunshine which did not spare even the tatami,the Aikido demonstration was one to behold......I can forsee Aikido spreading across Nairobi and across the country in the near future. My gratitude to Sensei for according me another chance to take part in yet another Aikido demonstration. Kudos too to my fellow aikidoka for participating and making it a total success.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Friday, February 17, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre hall

Sensei got the ball rolling with Mae Ukemi from both Suwari Waza and Tachi Waza as well as Ushiro Ukemi from Suwari Waza before we embarked on the following techniques:
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Uchi Kaiten and Soto Kaiten Nage.

-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Uchi Kaiten Nage.

-A front choke from the Ai Hanmi Katatedori stance.

-Irimi Nage from both the Gyaku Hanmi and Ai Hanmi Katatedori stances.

-A version of a throw from the opening of Uchi Kaiten Nage.....

-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Kokyu Ho.

It was one session that was packed with several breathtaking techniques thus I won't be surprised if I skipped some techniques....

Angry White Pajamas

Over the weekend I read Robert Twigger's'Angry White Pajamas'
It is a must read for all Aikidoists.
And especialy for us here in Nairobi-you will understand Sensei Mateusz's fascination with blood in the dojo.

Monday, February 13, 2012


Everytime I leave the dojo,I always wonder if the bruised knees ,sore arms and aching wrists is worth it.At least the answer to that is always yes!
Friday was no exception,and the time did fly.It's interesting to note that the techniques get easier and harder at the same time.When I joined Aikido,nikyo was my favourite but I struggled with it in suwari waza.
I never liked shiho nage bt I got in an instant on Fri.
At least kyoku ho is still easy for me.
Does anybody have a remedy for aching wrists?

Friday, February 10, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre

The day began with Mae and Ushiro Shikko as Sensei had informed us that Fridays will mostly be dedicated to some Suwari Waza techniques and boy did my knees hurt!

From Suwari Waza,the techniques were:

-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Ikkyo(Omote & Ura).

-Kata dori Omote.

From Tachi Waza,the techniques were:

-Kata dori Nikyo(Omote & Ura).

-Ryote dori:Kiri Otoshi.

-Gyaku Hanmi Katate dori Kokyu Nage.

-'Shorter' version of Nikyo.

-Ai Hanmi Katate dori:Shiho Nage Ura,Kote Geashi,Sumi Otoshi,Uchi Kaiten Sankyo,Uchi Kaiten Tenchi Nage and Irimi Nage respectively.

There was a new face by the name of Shaka and it is my hope he will stick around long enough to experience the beauty of Aikido.....

Next session:Monday, February 13 at the Goan Gymkhana.

Friday, February 10, 2012

My first Wednesday session in 2012 was interesting.
I was over an hour late,didnot have my gi bt I had to show up.
Of late,my energy levels have dwidled and earlier in the week I realised Aikido energises me.
The positive energy in the dojo registered when I put my foot through the door and my system shouted"YEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I had a smile the whole time watching the guys practicing Sanchio 1 and 2,was also envious that I was missing out.
Sensei presented me with a long belt and showed me how to tie it,asante sana.
It was nice to see some faces again since Ben's house last year.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Wednesday, February 08, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana

For the first time this year I got hold of a Jo after quite a while and boy did I enjoy it!

The first hour Sensei took as through Mae Ukemi from both Suwari Waza and Tachi Waza and Ushiro Ukemi from Suwari Waza followed by the following techniques and attacks:

-Shomen Uchi Irimi Nage.

-Yokomen Uchi Kokyu Ho.

-Ryote Tori Ude Garami.

-A variant of Koshi Nage with the opneing being the one for Ryote Tori Ude Garami.

-A Shomen Uchi attack followed by a throw that compels Uke to perform an Ukemi.

Sensei also demonstrated a type of landing(not sure of the name)that we tried out with Nage being on Suwari Waza and Uke attacking Nage with both hands.

The second hour was dedicated to Jo sansho One and once again I had to remind myself of the second part of Jo Sansho One and I can see the bits and pieces finally coming together for me.....

It was time for Iai Batto-Ho and the techniques were from Shindo Munen Ryu and Sensei began from the twelfth to the eighth one in ascending order:

-Inazuma Gaeshi.



-Raito Gaeshi.

-Doto Gaeshi.

Great three hours I must admit!!!

Next Session:10 February at the Japan Information and Culture Centre hall.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wednesday, February 1, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana

It was my first Wednesday session this year and I was out to make full use of the session especially the weapons session which I am lagging behind but unfortunately Sensei could not make it due to an unavoidable occurence thus,the session lasted two hours unlike the usual three hours.

Ben Sempai took over the first hour which consisted of:

-Ai Hanmi Katate dori Sankyo(Omote and Ura).

-Yokomen uchi Shiho Nage and Kaiten Nage respectively.

Daniel Sempai owned the second hour and we went through:

-Gyaku hanmi Katate dori Kokyu Ho.

-Ai Hanmi Katate dori Kiri Otoshi,Irimi Nage and a form of choke hold that left Uke gasping for air if not passing out all together!

My Sankyo 'cut' is still unrefined and hopefully with more practise,I shall be able to undertake it flawlessly.

Next session:February 3, 2012 at the Japan Information and Culture Centre hall.


Wow!I can blog.Finally ;-)))))
My 2012 resolution is to learn ukemi,and I must say the last time I was at the Embassy,when Ben took us through almost an hr of Ukemi,I made considerable effort.
The most significant lesson was the more ukemi you do,the easier it becomes.It's like the body now gets used to the motion and just flows.
Looking forward to meeting this resoultion.
Cu guys next week.
P.s-how come no-one has said anything about the weapons class?I miss jo