Monday, May 28, 2012

Monday, May 28, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana

It was Monday once again and I was looking forward to my first training session of the week and I was not disappointed.Sensei decided to review some of the techniques that gave me a hard time during grading last Friday.

It began with warm up exercises followed by Mae and Ushiro Ukemi from both Suwari Waza and Tachi Waza with Sensei introducing a variation of Ushiro Ukemi from Suwari Waza.

The day's attacks and techniques were as follows:

-Ryote dori:Kiri Otoshi and Ude Garami respectively.

-Yokomen Uchi Shiho Nage Ura.

-Shomen Uchi:Irimi Nage and Kokyu Nage respectively.

-Morote dori Kokyu Ho.

-Ai Hanmi Katatedori:Yonkyo Omote and Rokyo respectively.

-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori:Irimi Nage(Tori does not make any steps),Tenchi Nage and Rokyo respectively.

I take this opportunity to wish Daniel Sempai all the very best as he progresses forward in his career and I really hope to see him back soon.


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