Friday, August 23, 2013

Friday, August 23, 2013 session at the JICC multipurpose hall

Eureka!!! We finally have it!

Before I get into the details about what we finally have,here is a breakdown of what went down during the session:

Daniel Sempai kicked off the session with some great body workouts that had everyone sweating before he took us through the below mentioned techniques:

-From the Katatedori stance it was Uchi Kaiten Nage Omote & Ura respectively.

-From the Ai Hanmi Katatedori stance it was Juji Nage.

-Hanmi Handachi Shiho Nage.

The rest of the session was used in going through the draft constitution and we finally managed to pass the constitution(hence the eureka exclamation at the beginning of this entry)and even elect members to the Executive Council who are as follows:

Jason KIBE-The Chairman.

Sammy MWAKIO(myself)-The General Secretary.

Benedict KIYAGA-The Treasurer.

Daniel AREBA-The Technical Director.

All the members of the above mentioned Executive Council were elected unanimously and shall commence their duties effective

For those who will have any queries or any comments kindly use the following email address for now:

Once again a reminder for those who are new to our association that we have a google site( has a link to our Nairobi Aikikai blog and the personal blog of our former Sensei.You can also find a brief history of Nairobi Aikikai,a link to the Wroclaw Aikikai homepage and snapshots taken during the seminars that were conducted by Piotr MASZTALERZ Shidoin during his visits to Kenya.


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