Thursday, November 20, 2014

Thursday, November 20, 2014 session at the JICC conference room

Kawakami Sensei took us through his second Aikido session in Kenya and as expected by the end of the session, more 'casualties' joined the list with aching wrists and arms.

I forgot to mention last time that Kawakami Sensei practised with O Sensei in Japan back in the 1960s, thus it comes as no surprise when he makes each one of us tap out even before we feel the pain.

Kitayama Sensei informed us that he would not be available as he had travelled due to work related matters and promised to be back as soon as possible.

We kicked off with light stretching exercises followed by:

-Various versions of Kote Gaeshi including my favourite: With Tori seated on a chair and Uke standing.

-Various versions of Kata Dori including once again one involving Tori seated on a chair and Uke standing.

-Kata Dori Sankyo Omote.

-Kata Dori Ikkyo version.

-Hanmi Handachi Kote Gaeshi.

-Shorter version of Katatedori Nikyo.

-Katatedori Shiho Nage Omote.

-Two Uke being bundled together(not sure what to call it).

-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Yonkyo Omote.


-MASAYUKI Kawakami

-OSORO Douglas

-LALA Mohseen


-MUTHII Joshua

-NJOGU Anthony


-A guest who accompanied Mohseen Kohai

-Dominic Sempai and two other Goju Ryu Karatekas who joined us in the first 15 minutes of the session before leaving.


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