Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Tuesday, November 24, 2015 session at the JICC Conference Room

Kawakami Sensei guided us through the whole session which took off with the now familiar 'Japanese style' warm up exercises followed by Ikkyo Undo and the like, Shikko as well as Mae and Ushiro Ukemi from tachi Waza.

Kawakami Sensei demonstrated various attacks and techniques which included the following:

-Katatedori Tenkan Ho.

-Katatedori Kokyu Ho.

-Katatedori Shiho Nage Omote and Ura.

-Shomen Uchi Ikkyo Omote and Ura.

-Kata dori Nikyo Omote and Ura.

-Tsuki Ikkyo Omote and Ura.

Kawakami Sensei then conducted a 'mock' Nikyu grading test which I was put to the test and I realised I have a lot of polishing to do before February next year (D.V.) especially the Hanmi Handachi Waza attacks/techniques.

The session culminated with Zagi Kokyu Ho.

For the interest of those interested in having a look at the Hombu Dojo grading system, kindly copy paste the following link in your browser:



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