Sunday, July 18, 2010

Saturday, July 17th

This Saturday we had 6 participants. As always on saturdays we piled up some yoga mats to create two tatami-like spots where students could practice more dynamically.
We started,, as usual, with mae-ukemi and then tried to learn hard breakfalls.
The scope of techniques included shiho-nage, kote-gaeshi, sumi-otoshi, irimi-nage and aiki-nage.
just like twoo weeks ago - low number of students at the class allowed for very personal contact. Very rewarding time.


Anonymous said...

The trick in these Saturday classes for me is maintaining concentration till the end. The session is so physical and dynamic that there is little room for lazing off. Which is the whole point of martial arts anyway. If you slack off during an encounter, its open season for your opponent, right? But I must say that one feels great after the session.

november said...

Please identify yourself ;-)