Wednesday, August 18, 2010

One of those moments...

I really can't summarize the spirit of this event in just a few sentences.
As always - just when my body got used to amount of classes and I can focus more on presented techniques, less on mere surviving this thing, there is onlt two days of seminar left ;-(

I think this is very good seminar. Very many advanced students, not a lot of injuries, lot of sincere effort...

Let me just tell you that I notified Chiba sensei of our activities in Nairobi and we got his blessing.

Warm greetings from Poland


Anonymous said...

Greetings accepted.
Greetings from Kenya also. We really miss your presence here, Mateusz.

That is a nicely captured moment. Looks like Chiba sensei is about to perfom a very nasty technique on you that probably involves you flying off into the air, lol! But seriously, its amazing to see you practise with Chiba sensei. Ganbare!

Now to stop idolizing, today, Friday 20th August, which happens to be the last day of the seminar? we had class at the embassy. Again we started with mae-ukemi and ushiro-ukemi. Then we tried ten-chi-nage? but could not complete the nage coz the floor does not allow us to fall. Next we revisited ai-hanmi-ikkyo-omote. The aim was to try the ura version of this technique but it was no go. So we finished with yokomen-uchi-shiho-nage.

The best we can do is try to remember these techniques and hope that we are doing them somehow correctly.

We are very humbled that Chiba sensei acknowledges our activities, being such a young group and all.

Ok, have fun Mateusz!

Aguta said...

pass our greetings to sensei!

Anonymous said...

Ok, so after missing practise for 2 whole weeks(it felt like eternity for me), due to the constitution promulgation thingy, we met again on Friday 3rd September at the Embassy. Having forgotten almost every technique, and being very unfit, we struggled with mae and ushiro ukemi. We then tried ai-hanmi-ikkyo-omote, moved to yokomen-uchi-shiho-nage, and finally Kokkyu-ho. Phew, it was kinda tough, but...