Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Monday, June 18, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana

It was a new week and it began with a new face showing up for the Monday session in the name of Kevin.

The session was an action packed one and the technique that 'stole the show' for me was when we simulated a scene whereby Tori was confronted with a pistol by Uke and the former disarming the pistol from the latter using Rokkyo.

Apart from that,we also went through the following attacks/techniques:

-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Shiho Nage(Omote,Ura) with the Omote version featuring two versions the other version being almost similar to Hanmi Handachi Shiho Nage only that it was in Tachi Waza.

-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Sankyo(Omote,Ura).

-Katadori menuchi Sankyo(Omote).

-Sankyo Ura through Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Ikkyo Omote.

-A shorter version of Ai Hanmi Katatedori Sankyo Omote.

-Hanmi Handachi Shiho Nage.

-Kata Gatame through Ikkyo Omote.


1 comment:

daniel said...

Well written, but am intrigued by 2 techniques you mention. 1. Hanmihandachi version of shihonage and 2. katadori menuchi sankyo. Personally, i think the latter is a misspelling because there is no way to attack shomenuchi and grab katadori at the same time. Care to expound, please?