The month of June has featured some of my favourite techniques and this day was no exception.
It all began with Funakogi Undo and then the following attacks and techniques:
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori:Ikkyo(Omote),Nikyo(Omote),Sankyo(Omote),Irimi Nage(Omote)and Kote Gaeshi(Omote) respectively featuring a different opening while in a static stance.
-Katadori menuchi Ikkyo and Nikyo(both in Omote).
-A shorter and quicker version of Ai Hanmi Katatedori Sankyo(Omote).
-Chudan Tsuki:Kote Gaeshi,Sankyo and Irimi Nage(all Omote)respectively.
Daniel Sempai had some time last week requested for an explanation of katadori menuchi and I will try my best to explain the attack:
Let's say Uke grabs Tori's gi with his right hand and attacks with a Shomen using his left hand.Tori performs a Tenkan with his right leg at the same time moving out of line while guiding the Shomen with his left arm then he(Tori)opens Uke while going forward(the same opening for Ai Hanmi Katatedori Ikkyo,Nikyo,etc.)and finishes the technique be it Ikkyo,Nikkyo,etc.
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