Monday, January 30, 2012

Friday, January 27, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre hall

The techniques of the day were all from the Ai Hanmi Katate dori stance except for Ryote dori Tenchi Nage.We had two ladies and one gentleman newcomers and my hope is that they enjoyed the two hours which for me were awesome!

Here are the techniques we went through:
Ai hanmi Katate dori:
-Ikkyo Omote
-Shiho nage Ura
-Kote Gaeshi, and
-Roye dori Tenchi Nage.

Apart from the above techniques,during the first hour we went through Mae Ukemi from both Suwari Waza and Tachi Waza....I can't wait for the day I shall perform Mae Ukemi from Tachi Waza faultlessly.

Forthcoming class:Monday, January 30, 2012
Venue:Goan Gymkhana.

See you there!!!

1 comment:

Aguta said...

in addition to these techniques, others performed were, ai hanmiryote dori juji nage both ura and omote