Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Friday, June 15, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre 'dojo'

There were a good number of new faces that showed up and it was good to know that word about Aikido is spreading round quite fast.

Sensei took us through Mae and Ushiro Ukemi from both Suwari Waza and Tachi Waza and I still have the same old habit of bending the arm while rolling over it and frankly it has reached the point where it is no longer amusing.

The following were the techniques that we covered:

-Kata Dori Ikkyo(Omote,Ura) and Nikyo Ura respectively.

-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Kote Gaeshi and Reverse Kote Gaeshi respectively.

-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Rokkyo.

-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Kokyu Ho.

-Any other technique or attack we could recall from a Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori stance.

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