Monday, June 11, 2012

Friday, June 8, 2012 session at the Japan Information and Culture Centre hall

We had two newcomers to Aikido last Friday who had a lot of questions to ask Sensei about Aikido and we might or might not see them appear for another session but all in all the session was as thrilling as always....

After Mae and Ushiro Ukemi from both Suwari Waza and Tachi Waza,what followed was:

-Kiri Otoshi through the opening for Ai Hanmi Katatedori Irimi Nage.

-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Irimi Nage Omote.

-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Kata Gatame through Ikkyo Omote.

-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Kokyu Ho and Kote Gaeshi(Gyaku Kote Gaeshi) respectively.

-A different version of Shomen Uchi Kokyu Ho whereby Tori locks Uke's elbow after a Shomen Uchi attack and thereafter throws him off balance with Kokyu Ho.

During the last quarter of an hour or so,Sensei grouped us and with one Tori and different Uke attacking at a time,each one of us performed any Ai Hanmi Katatedori technique we could recall....

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