Since we had two newcomers in the Monday class who happen to be Tae Kwo Ndo instructors,Sensei kept the two hour session as basic as possible and we went through the below mentioned techniques after doing Mae and Ushiro Ukemi from Suwari Waza:
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori and Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Kote Gaeshi.
-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Kokyu Nage(the version whereby Tori goes down on his knees perpendicular to Uke and stretches him(Uke) off balance).
-Ryote dori Kiriotoshi.
-Ryote dori Tenchi Nage Omote(Ura for Jason and myself).
It was a great session and I was surprised to learn that not all martial artists are able to roll or fall safely as was evident from the two black belt Tae Kwo Ndo instructors who looked like novices when it came to doing Ukemi. I always assumed every martial artist is capable of doing so....phew thank God for Aikido!
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