Saturday, June 29, 2013

Friday, June 28, 2013 session at the JICC main hall

PAZAT Sensei took us through the first hour with the following techniques both executed from the Ai Hanmi Katatedori stance and the Chudan Tsuki attack:

-Ikkyo Omote.

-Sokumen Iriminage.

We held our "general meeting" during the second hour and we discussed quite a number of issues but in summary we discussed  the following:

-To have a one-off registration fee and possibly a membership fee that will be renewed annually.

-To form an association that shall act as our identity especially when we need to sollicit for funds,etc.

-The name of the association shall be "Nairobi Aikikai" or possibly ''Nairobi Aikikai Association''.

-To have separate advanced & novice classes.

-To have our own kitty that shall be used to purchase equipment,uniforms,etc.

We were unable to elect members who shall hold various seats in the soon to be formed association but it was decided that if all goes well we shall have another sitting possibly next Friday to discuss further.

Sensei: Je te souhaite bon voyage et amuse-toi bien pendant tes vacances en France.


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