Thursday, June 23, 2011

At Goan Gym

Admittedly, one major problem with me is forgetting too fast. But that is a story for another day. The attack of the day was gyaku-hanmi katate-dori. From this we were able to get into the intricacies of kokyu-nage and shiho-nage. It was not all smooth-sailing though as the hip movement involved, especially in kokyu ho, proved to be quite taxing. All in all, the basics were very clearly laid out for us. Don't stay in the line of attack, it is vital to move off this line; use your hips as much as possible and always keep your hands in front of you; keep contact with uke until he/she is down. Simple,no?

With bokken, we had to start with the basics again, given that it has been quite a while since we last did this. So we did some little bit of kiri-kaeshi and the beginning of ichi-no-tachi. This is to be continued...

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