Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Begginers Class

This is just a follow up of Daniel's post earlier on...
The more one learns (aikido) the more you realize how much you don't know (or maybe it's just me). Ikkyo techniques are some of the basics in Aikido, but after doing them in Suwari-waza, thanks to Daniel for sore knees, I realized just how much more their is to learn, e.g straighten your hands as Tori when performing it or uke will easily turn things around (I learned it the hard way)

The next hour was Shomen-uchi techniques that included kotegaeshi, sankyo, kaiten nage(?) and finally what Sensei described as the most dangerous technique in aikido, Koshi nage, which for obvious reasons (read, lack of tatamis) couldn't be performed to its deadly end.

Next class on Wednesday, boken techniques are back!


Aguta said...

Sorry, Kaiten nage was not among the Shome uchi techniques practised.

daniel said...

Nicely said Tony, the more you practice, the more you learn.