Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How did this happen?

When you enter and then select images, then do a search for Kisshomaru Ueshiba and then select Large images then... on second search page there will be a photo of mine. How did that happen?


daniel said...

Unfuckingbelievable! Have people in other circles been checking out our nairobi aikikai webpage? Since it is the same picture, maybe we should start taking photos during our classes and post them also...

daniel said...

I see what's going on here. If you ever put your photo on the internet, don't be surprised if it grows wings and spreads further. Our seminar photos and several others are also on google pictures.

november said...

yeah, but my photo is on SECOND page! not on 143rd... Whoa...

Aguta said...

Ok, so who did u bribe to have your picture on the 2nd page?

november said...

Well, I have friends in places... and those friends owe me favours...

Anonymous said...

It is plain simple....our Sensei is in the class of the Ueshibas.

november said...

yeah, and next thing I know you will be saying you have seen me walk on water and change water into booze...