Thursday, July 7, 2011

Wednesday Class at Goan Gym

The big day is nigh, and we did a number of intermediate-level/advanced-level techniques such as gyaku-hanmi shomen-uchi kokyu-ho, ai-hanmi chudan-tsuki kote-gaeshi, ai-hanmi katate-dori ikkyo omote, ai-hanmi katate-dori nikyo ura, among others. There was also shiho-nage and a variation of some techniques. Question is, we had enough problems during class, so can we pull this off successfully in public without looking overly amateurish? Arguably, aikido is not for public demonstrations but it would be nice if every one of us would struggle to grasp these techniques.
We practised the whole sequence of sansho 1 with jo for the last half of the class. Its not perfect yet, but at least we are practising and can remember most of it.

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