As is customary, the first hour was spent on very basic movements which will (hopefully) improve the contact between tori and uke. These are also aimed at giving a 'feel' of the aikido movements, one of them being something that sounds like funekogi undou.
Anyway, lots of serious questions had previously been raised concerning sankyo. It therefore follows that this was the technique of the day. This was executed from an ai-hanmi katatedori attack. Common mistakes noted included: (1.)wrong opening which leaves tori exposed, (2.) wrong sankyo grip (3.) wrong sanyo 'cut'. I have to mention here that the cut should be towards and into uke's center. Most of us tend to make it a round motion, which really doesn't work. If you know how to 'cut' with yonkyo, then it is the very same 'cut' even with sankyo. (4.) wrong finishing. When bringing uke down, tori should be in front, leading uke's elbow in a pulling motion. Maybe it is also worth noting that the grip should not change at any time during this technique. It is best to imagine your hands are glued to uke's. Quite obviously if you let go, nothing prevents uke from retaliating and delivering what may be a very vicious blow.
A change of pace was created with shihonage. The idea of this was to show how tori should create the opening.
The need for seriousness was emphasized since we put so many hours a week into this thing. It doesn't make sense to put so much time into something and not progress. This progress may be fast or slow, depending on the individual, but it is natural that whoever puts honest effort into something never comes out empty-handed.
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