Friday, October 12, 2012

Aikido Class in Voi

Ok, so after much hesitation,deliberation, butterflies in stomach, blah blah blah, i got enough courage to attempt starting an aikido class in Voi. The management in Voi Secondary School was very kind to grant permission and we had our first class last friday, 5th October 2012. The second class was yesterday, 11th October 2012. We were able to do an introduction to ushiro ukemi(since its a bit gentler on the shoulders as compared to mae ukemi) and the movement for gyakuhanmi katatedori shihonage. The turnout is phenomenal, as is to be expected, and the energy unlimited. Makes me miss Mateusz Sensei more and more. So the plan for now is to have classes twice a week: Tuesdays and Thursdays. Unfortunately, no ladies have attended class, due to lack of proper clothing, but i am trying to ask the school to allow ladies some decent clothing that will allow them free movement. From first impressions, the students want progress and results, thus there is no time to waste. They are hoping to attend a few sessions in Nairobi, or have the Nairobi class come to Voi every once in a while, so i need your cooperation people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful work Dan! Keep the Aïkido spirit going all over Voi and the whole of Kenya in the not so distant future.