Monday, October 1, 2012

Friday, September 28, 2012 session at the JICC main hall

I took over the first hour taking my fellow Aikidoka through the warm up exercises,Mae and Ushiro Ukemi,Mae and Ushiro Shikko and before the first hour was through,I noticed a gentleman passing by with a bag heading towards the unofficial 'changing quarters' and it struck me it was the incoming Aikido Sensei for Nairobi Aikikai! Yup,it was Matthieu PAZAT allright and I was glad he was here at last!

He explained to me(in French of that he hails from Bordeaux and that he trained under Philippe LEON Shihan(Rokudan).Anyway,most of you will get an opportunity of chatting to him so let me get on with the day's session:

Ben Sempai took us through Mae and Ushiro Ukemi once more,before we embarked on the following techniques/attacks:

-Ryo kata Dori Kokyunage.

-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Kokyu Nage version.

-Ai Hanmi Katatedori Ikkyo Omote.

Matthieu PAZAT Sensei took us through the following:

-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Shiho Nage Omote.

-Yokomen Uchi Shiho Nage Omote.

Time was not being fair to us as we had to end the two hour session when it was beginning to get more intense.....All I can say is:Faites comme chez vous ici au Kenya M.PAZAT.



daniel said...

Welcome sensei!

Sarah said...

And how lucky we are that Sam speaks French at work

Aguta said...

I get to learn something new everyday... Sam speaks French :)