Friday, October 19, 2012

Voi, 16th and 18th October

Despite some drop in attendance this week, we were able to do introduction to a few techniques, very statically of course. These are shihonage, ikkyo, and nikyo. Being new to this whole teaching thing, i am bound to make lots and lots of mistakes, and maybe (due to my nature) think too much at times. I know many will run away, but being an institution, i wonder whether there are some who would join, even as they notice their colleagues leaving.

1 comment:

november said...

dude, do not overcomplicate
just enjoy
i believe i myself got some gift from piotr, daniel and chiba sensei. so i feel obligation to share
i think u also got something fron piotr and perhaps even from me. it is your duty to share.
whether ppl will b able to benefit is up to them. but u should dwell in your mind in our uchi-deshi time and share the feeling, concept

and of course, if u feel like being uchi-deshi again - u can always come