Saturday, May 18, 2013

Friday, May 17, 2013 session at the JICC main hall

The Friday session was here once again and Moa Sempai was at it again taking us through a great two hour session and what stood out for me was the shiko dance which was the first time ever I have heard or even performed it.Apart from that,we went through Mae and Ushiro Ukemi from both Suwari & Tachi Waza among other warm up exercises.

The session featured the following:

-Katatedori Tai no Henko movement.

-Morote Dori Kokyu Ho.

-Katatedori Uchi Kaiten & Soto Kaiten Nage respectively.

-Ryote Dori Tenchi Nage.

-Kokyu Ho Kokyu Dosa.

After the session Tony Sempai and I had a short discussion and we decided we shall talk it through with the rest of the senior members of Nairobi Aikikai concerning whether Aikido should begin having intakes twice a year since at the moment newcomers show up every Tuesday and Friday and we are always forced to do the basics every other time and this keeps on dragging us behind a good example is today's session as I almost forgot how to perform Soto Kaiten Nage since it has been a while since we last did it in any of the sessions.


1 comment:

Sarah said...

I agree with the twice a year intake,it's a great idea.