Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday, January 28, 2014 session at the JICC conference room

A big welcome to Rex ROMERO Sempai who is back again in Nairobi for a week or so before hitting the road....

Jason Sempai kicked off the warm up session followed by Daniel Sempai who took us through another set of warm up drills before embarking on a version of Katatedori Kokyu Nage whereby Tori leads Uke to the weak spot on the 'imaginary triangle' using an atemi as motivation.

Next up was Tori controlling Uke by using the wrist and one's centre to bring Uke on the toes(part of the preparation for Tenchi Nage).

Rex Sempai guided us through how to have a 'relationship' with the ground by showing us the safest way to fall down without injuring oneself.

I discovered various ways of landing safely thanks to Rex Sempai's insight.

After the session,we held a brief discussion outside with the main point of focus being the registration of members and the way forward for Nairobi Aikikai.



-AREBA Daniel

-KIBE Jason


-LALA Mohseen



-M. Traicy

-ORAW John

-ALULA Patrick


-ABONYO Patrick



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was an interesting workout... and gaining a relationship with the ground was a great technique. No more hitting the ground hard :)