Monday, October 25, 2010

Saturday at KU

The Saturday class is all it is famed to be, I can now say, having attended one. The floor is quite something. Though it gives one a false sense of security (in my opinion), it allows for more dynamic, aggressive, real-life-situation-like actions. This is the kind of floor where movie scenes are created, I think. I just hope am painting the right picture here. Suffice it to say one can perform the aikido techniques without having to worry too much about injuries.

Ok, so we basically went through techniques that involve a throw (nage in Japanese), as opposed to pinning/immobilization techniques. These included juji-nage, irimi-nage, kiri-otoshi, uchi-kaiten-nage and ten-chi-nage.

I kinda got carried away and before I knew it, we had done 3 hours of aikido, non-stop. We did ken-jutsu(剣術) the last hour. We also reviewed the katas()and I added one more, so that now I can manage 6 of them on my own. Am getting there. I got so tired, you can imagine the strain on the body. Next day my arms felt like they were pulling out of their sockets, and I slept like 10 hours. But am ok now.

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