Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wednesday at Goan Gymkhana

So if I recall correctly, we started with gyaku hanmi Ryote dori ten-chi nage (sic).

We then revisited gyaku hanmi sankyo omote after which we moved to gyaku hanmi sankyo ura. The ura() version is always tricky because the movement is more circular than forward. We finished the first hour session with gyaku hanmi kote gaeshi-ura.

As always in the Wednesday class, we did ken jutsu(剣術) in the second hour. This time I was able to learn the technique that we finished with last Wednesday, the one that involves a stab (突く). Amazing technique but very dangerous if one loses focus even for a split second. Of course every one who has ever studied or done martial arts must have heard of zanshin, a state of constant alertness. This is very critical in ken jutsu because weapons are very precise. Its not easy to achieve zanshin, but through sheer persistence and constant practice, am sure one can come close.

Lastly was a review of the first 4 katas.

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