Friday, November 12, 2010

Friday's Class

With practice certain aspects of Aikido e.g. Ushiro Ukemi (backward rolls) are becoming kind of fun. The initial phobia and slight bruises seem something of the past. However, I harbour no intention of trying it on certain floors!

We began today's class with Kaiten Nage. It must have been the Uchi version which goes on the outside of Uke's arm as opposed to Soto, which goes under Uke's arm. Next was Tenkan Ho, followed by GyakuHanmi Kokyu Ho. The former was a building block for the latter. It was the Ura version though a demonstration was given for the Omote version as well as a stationary one.

Irimi Nage then followed, both the AiHanmi & GyakuHanmi Ura versions.

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