Thursday, November 11, 2010

Wednesday at Goan Gym

Occasionally we get the privilege of quite a number of ladies gracing us with their presence during practice. It is a rare chance to experiment the techniques on what I consider worthy opponents.
Wednesday was one such occasion. In addition to the few ladies who are always with us, even more showed up such that the ratio of ladies to guys was almost 1 to 1. I was pleasantly surprised when a lady somehow managed to pin me down with a nikyo technique. Well, I kinda made it easy for her but seeing the ‘evil’ grin on her face was quite something. I am sure in her mind she was like, “uh huh, uh huh, don’t mess with me next time”. Or, something close to that. You can do this, ladies. Just put your back into it and keep up the spirit. Don’t disappear.

We basically went through gyaku-hanmi nikyo-ura and nikyo-omote, and finished with rokkyo. Nowadays we pay a lot of attention to detail because of the upcoming grading next month. Just the mention of the name sounds intimidating, but I hope we will be ready in time. All one has to do is work hard, right?

The aiki-ken(会氣剣) or bokken practise was also quite something. We continued with one of the forms we had started last week and it was fun. Apparently these forms are under constant perfection or modification, such that no single form can be maintained for long. One has to be alert and move with the times, I think.

After practise a few of us went for a bottle of beer. Its always nice to hang out even after the lesson. One can really let loose (partly coz of the beer) and still learn a lot. And besides, its a lot of fun fun fun!!!

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