Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wednesday's Class

We had 2 different sessions, as usual - the techniques and the weapons.

Beginning with the techniques, they were from Tachi Waza Gyaku Hanmi Katate Dori, namely:
  • Rokkyo; remember trap the elbow, wrist should be higher than the shoulder
  • Kokyu; remember to avoid Uke's elbow and lift Uke's head upwards not through
  • Kote Gaeshi; remember to lower your centre and take Uke's wrist towards his upper arm

With all the techniques, remember to get off the line.

Regarding the weapons, it was the Jo. I'm slightly familiar with the techniques - some of them reminded me of the seminar last December. However, I'm totally unfamiliar with the names of the techniques (new task for me). But from what I could put together, it seemed like the 1st Kata for the Jo weapon.


daniel said...

About jo, I know what you mean. We had 2 jo classes this weapon, and I felt like I have never handled a jo in my whole life. Still, if you get someone to walk you through it...

daniel said...

sorry, i meant 2 jo classes this week.