Sunday, March 20, 2011

Wednesday's Class

First part of the lesson, the techniques, covered the following:
  • Ryo Kata Dori - Hiji Nage
  • Ryote Dori - Kokyu Nage - Ura & Omote
  • Kokyo Ho
  • Ryote Dori - Kokyu Nage - 'duck underneath'
  • Ryote Dori - Kokyu Nage - 'nikyo'
  • Katate Dori - Kokyu Nage - Ura (with uke either doing mae or ushiro ukemi)
  • Katate Dori - Kokyu Nage - 'shove'

Initial position for the above was Tachi Waza Gyaku Hanmi except for Kokyu Ho which was Suwari Waza. From the above list, Kokyu Nage was the order of the day - as for the variations... Numerous!

Next was Jo, for the 2nd part of class. Once again numerous techniques; however, I can't remember the names, nor repeat them all. But all in time!

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