Monday, August 1, 2011

@ Embassy 29 July 2011

First of all, two things: Four beginners in today's class including little David, how many will remain? Time will tell.
Secondly, Sarah has a Gi!! sparkling white, guess the message on her  red T-shirt didn't work :)
Back to training issues, ushiro ukemi was the starting point after the usual warm-ups proving that more work still need to be done!

First technique was gyaku hanmi katate-dori  kokyunage which was done to almost perfection apart from the usual things which Sensei keeps drumming to our heads, DON'T do the technique with hands behind your back and STRETCH uke to make it uncomfortable for him!!

Then followed gyaku hanmi katate-dori kotegaeshi. In kotegaeshi, some things can't be stressed enough, such as don't raise uke's hand when almost completing the technique, and step back to give uke space to fall!!
Now the technique that seems hard for me to perform on some guy in the dojo (name withheld) is gyaku kotegaeshi. seems am not the only one with this problem.

Another technique was sankyo in which one is required to 'cut' towards uke's centre, a thing to keep in mind

Uchi kaiten was probably the last technique to be practised, fairly well done and finally, in uchi kaiten just before the throw by tori, he would go to the other side of uke and stretch his hand backwards, this was just a stretching exercise in itself.


daniel said...

Just how little is little David? And i was pleasantly surprised to confirm that Sarah indeed has a gi. Nice going there, gal.

november said...

David is 12 ;-)