It was good to see a 'packed house' once again and I find it good when each one of us participates in keeping the Nairobi Aikikai 'flame' burning and I requested Douglas Kohai to lead us with the warm up session before I took over the rest of the session since Jason Sempai was not present.
We had two newcomers a lady and a gentleman and after the session,the lady explained to me that she had practised some Tae Kwo Ndo before and that she would like to try out Aikido and Goju Ryu Karate before making a decision on which martial art she would like to pursue further.
The first hour was basically physical exercises meant to tone and flex the body as well as some Ukemi before we embarked on the following techniques in the second hour:
-Ai Hanmi Katatedori:Kote Gaeshi(Omote),Nikyo(Omote and the opening for Ura).
-Tai No Tenkan Ho followed by Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Kokyu Ho ending up with a front choke.
-Reverse Kote Gaeshi.
-Kokyu Ho Kokyu Dosa.
I have come to appreciate the fact teaching martial arts is no easy task especially for me since I have no mastery of any Aikido technique but I always give it my best since in the long run I also get to learn some new things that I had not known of before.
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