Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Friday Class

It's always fun to have a full class and nowadays the Friday class usually has more than 10 of us.
Jason and Tony Sempai are back and it was good to see them.
Just before the clas I had read Sammy's blog on the Fri class and I was dreading the 80mins workout.
Thank God Jason kept the exercises this Fri moderate.
I had also not realised I had missed the Kamiza
We found him and Sammy already practicing.
Sammy had requested for Komen Uchi and this is what we did for the entire class-Komen Uchi Nikyo,Ikyo,Shiho Nage(Ura and Omote) Kokyu Ho and Kote Geshi.
Am not sure whether beginners read this blog,and I hope they do since I wanted to point out a few things
i)You should take off jewellery during the class
ii)No chewing gum while in class
iii)Visitors should sit at the back of the class
iv)You should never sit in seiza with your back to the kamiza.

1 comment:

Aguta said...

Well pointed out Sarah, we need to maintain the discipline in the dojo!