Thursday, August 18, 2011

Advanced Class at Goan Gym

This time the attacks were varied. Starting us off was gyakuhanmi kokyunage, which was a review of what we have been doing the last several classes. Then we moved to ushiro ryote dori attack, from which tori had the option to do shihonage or kotegaeshi. Of course the conditioning exercise for this is ushiro ryokatadori, and it is neither easy for tori nor for uke, because timing is crucial. The last technique of the day was aihanmi ikkyo from an ura kind of attack. This means using the funakogi undou movement to counter uke's attack. One thing i have to mention was that in the middle of class we had this conditioning exercise where we played lets pretend. We were soldiers on the field, and were taught various ways of behaving while on the ground. Anyone guess who the last man standing was? Anyway, after this exercise, we were effectively tired. Tired enough such that when doing a technique, brute force will not help. So much for that. Personally i was beat, and i realised how soft i have allowed myself to become, especially after my uchideshi experience.
Weapons class was dedicated to bokken, where we revisited ichinotachi and shohatto. In general, it was a tiring, eye-opening, sweaty, painful and confusing class.

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