Saturday, October 15, 2011

Our Second Anniversary

Tomorrow we will have second anniversary of this event which introduced Aikido in Kenya. This has been quite challenging time for me, also for some of us. Many people came to join our practice, few students stayed for longer... There were many boring classes, a few fun and interesting ones (those were mostly run by Piotr Masztalerz sensei). but for me - personally - it was fun. I also think it brought new dimension into my understanding of Aikido. I would like to thank all of you who make this possible. Because - please remember - it is your coming to classes and spending several hours a week sweating in pain that make all of this possible. But let's skip the official and boring speeches (but how Kenyan it is, huh?). Let's just meet on Sunday, October 16th at 20:00 in Havana (Westlands) to celebrate with a glass of something golden and sparkling in hand.


daniel said...

'something golden and sparkling in hand' ha ha, Mateusz sure has a way with words. It turned out to be a great evening. It kinda felt a bit short though...

douglas said...

am gutted that i missed it but congrtas guys