Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Tuesday, October 14, 2014 session at the JICC conference room

Mohseen Kohai took us through the warm up session including Mae Ukemi from both Suwari Waza & Tachi Waza before he carried on with the rest of the session.

The main focus was on Kote Gaeshi and Mohseen Kohai took us through step-by-step on how to effectively execute Kote Gaeshi.

We later on practised Shomen Uchi Kote Gaeshi.

The most difficult part for most was maintaining Uke's wrist at the same level rather than lifting it up,making a proper Tenkan to evade the Shomen Uchi attack and turning the hips when bringing down Uke.

Afterwards,we went through the opening for Shomen Uchi Irimi Nage and the emphasis was on how to position oneself behind Uke without being exposed to a possible back kick attack from Uke.

The last few minutes of the session were dedicated to some Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu moves and once again Mohseen was more than glad to demonstrate some moves and also explained to us what some of the terms such as "mount","open guard",etc meant.


-LALA Mohseen

-ABONYO Patrick

-NJOGU Anthony




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