Thursday, July 9, 2015

Thursday, 9th, July Session at JIC

Good Class this Thursday evening, Presence of more enthusiastic Aikidokas both old and new members. The class was lively and rigorous from the onset of Aiki Taiso.
Sam san took the class through a challenging Taiso movements with a combination of some military drills like crawls and knuckle push ups.
We were reminded to always adhere to the Aikido training etiquette all the time when on the mat. Precisely the need to seiza properly on the mat and also waiting on the side to be allowed on the mat when you come in late. The right etiquette involves Seiza at the threshold of the mat and then bowing towards the Kamiza/ Shomen.


The ukes involved in todays demonstration were, Sam, Joshua, and Walter.

Reminder of last Tuesday's Techniques:
- Katate Dori Ikkyo- Same side wrist grab, 1st Pinning technique.
- Kata Dori Ikkyo- Same side shoulder grab, 1st Pinning technique.
- Katate Kosa tori Kotegaeshi- Cross hand wrist grab, twist and throw/ Pin.
- Katate Dori Kotegaeshi- Same side wrist grab, twist and throw/ Pin.

Today's Techniques
- Katate Dori Sankyo- Same side wrist grab, 3rd Pinning technique.
- Kata Dori Sankyo- Same side shoulder grab, 3rd Pinning technique.
-Ushiroryo Kata Dori Sankyo- Both shoulder grab from behind, 3rd Pinning technique/ Nage waza.
-Ushiro Katate Dori kubishime sankyo- Wrist grab from behind and rear choke,3rd Pinning/ Nage waza

Goshin Waza- Applications

1. How to escape from a grab from two assailants on both sides, each holding both wrists in Moroto dori.  Apply Moroto dori Kokyu ho san( Breath throw with sankyo)

2.How to escape from a grab by three assailants, both sides and from the back. Both wrists held in Moroto dori. Apply Moroto dori Kokyu ho  ichi or Yon.

Jiyu Waza- Randori

We finished up with a three assailant randori with a rotation between Tom, Sam, Walter and Joshua. It was lively and intense.

Thanks to all that participated in today's training and i encourage us to perfect our basics and attend the practice every week. Next session on Tuesday 14th at JIC. For those who had photo opportunity with Kawakami Sensei.

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