Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Road to Kigali

It should have been smooth sailing.....get into bus in Nairobi and 24 hrs later,you arrive in Kigali
We were supposed to leave Nairobi at 10 am.Instead we left close to 1,fueled for about 1hr
in Westlands so we said goodbye to Nairobi at around 2.00pm.
Typical,you say.No,it's not.Thanks to my job,I've been doing a fair amount of travelling and whereas very few buses leave strictly on time,most of them leave at least within the hour.
Trouble struck in Molo,where the bus started smoking.We alighted,hoping it was a small mechanical problem.
Jason and Ben are better placed to give details of what exactly the problem but it was evident it couldn't be fixed and another bus had to be sent.
In an 18hr drama,featuring angry passengers,Kampala Coach staff&management plus the Kenya Police
the bus is almost,about 24 hrs after the mechanical failure,in Eldoret
Hopefully,we will get to the border before the 9.00pm public transport curfew.
Thank God night travel is allowed in Uganda.

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