Monday, March 5, 2012

Friday, March 2, 2012 session at The Japan Information and Culture Centre hall

Wow! Since I began attending Aikido classes, I have never seen such a large number of newcomers like I did on Friday which I hope is a positive sign for Aikido spreading all over Kenya in the near future.

The techniques of the day were as follows:

From the Ai Hanmi Katatedori stance:


-Kote Gaeshi.

-Shiho Nage(Omote and Ura).

-Kokyu Ho.


-Gyaku Hanmi Katatedori Kokyu Ho.

-Ryote dori Kiri Otoshi.

-Shomen Uchi Kiri Otoshi.

-Suwari Waza Ikkyo(Omote).

-Yokomen Uchi Nikyo(Ura).

The day ended with Kokyu Ho Kokyu dosa which I at first confused with Haishin Undo.

It is a big Karibu to all the Kohai and a special welcome to the Japanese Aikidoka(I can't seem to recall his name) who is currently here in Kenya as a volunteer and who holds the rank of Shodan in Aikido.

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