Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Monday, March 26, 2012 session at the Goan Gymkhana

If Sarah and Douglas thought that the Wednesday session two weeks ago was difficult,then I only wish they could have attended this session then they would have redefined the word "difficult".

Since it was only Sensei,Daniel and myself present,Sensei decided to review 3 Kyu techniques and I must confess this session literally drenched me with sweat the entire two hours!

Sensei reviewed almost all techniques for 3 Kyu save for a few and the ones that stood out the most for me was the three versions of Koshi Nage and Hanmi Handachi Kaiten Nage.

As for my execution of Koshi Nage,that is a tale for another time.....


Sarah said...

Hope he shows mercy today.

november said...

Mercy? Mercy who?

Sarah said...

Yah,I saw the look you had on Wed and decided nt to change.