Friday, July 11, 2014

@ The Embassy 10th July 2014

After a looooong time -actually felt like a century- I was granted the honours of leading a class abruptly I must say. Had nothing planned in advance, so I had to keep a sober mind and shake the rust away.
The few techniques we tried came out well...according to me, so that means the training I had in the past actually paid off.

Hats off to the die hard members; Leone, Joshua, Ole Kiminta for keeping the classes going.

More so Sammy Mwakio deserves a paragraph of his own. He has been present all through come rain or shine -figuratively and literally speaking- ,conducted the classes even when he was the only one present, updated this blog tirelessly (if you don't believe me just look at the name signed at the end of every post) and I should point this one out, his techniques have improved....COMMITMENT!!

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